Lexxic COVID-19 Update

How have we adapted our Services?

We are currently offering our clients telephone and/ or video conference assessments, to ensure people get the support now when they need it most.

Our Face-to-Face Services

From 20th July 2020 Lexxic returned to delivering face-to-face services in line with government guidelines. Our face-to-face meetings at this stage are for Diagnostic Assessments only as these are unable to be conducted via telephone or video conferencing. This will ensure our clients will receive the high level of service that they expect from Lexxic and we can work in line with all guidelines. 

Our team is fully updated with our COVID Risk Assessment Policy and have ensured that in our London office we have the COVID-19 statement displayed. All staff are trained on social distancing measures to ensure staff and clients are protected as much as possible.

We will be monitoring the delivery of face-to-face meetings in line with government guidelines and adapt services where geographical restrictions may be in place.

Our Online Services

  • We have a track record of delivering many of our services online. Our Workplace Needs Assessments, Assistive Technology Training, and Coaching for employees and line managers will continue to be delivered online or via telephone at this time. We will continue offering online services to clients who feel more comfortable with these rather than face-to-face sessions.

  • Neurotalent Unlocked is our online learning platform which provides skills-based modules for employees, and awareness raising modules for managers. To learn more, you can visit: http://www.neurotalentunlocked.com

  • Our consultancy services are continuing to be delivered remotely to ensure your neurodiversity initiatives do not lose momentum.

New Online Services

  • We are now delivering bespoke webinars to staff around managing and coping with change..

  • We can also continue to offer our current training suite online and via webinar to your teams and employees.

We will continue to be here for you over the phone, through video conferencing and our online learning platform. If we can help, please do not hesitate to reach out anytime.


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