Neurodiversity Resources

Welcome to your neurodiversity deep-dive.
Have a browse through our resources to learn about neurodiversity and the specific neurodifferences.

Welcome to our resources page! Please feel free to browse through our neurodiversity resources, either as they are or you can use our filter below to filter by neurodifference and/or industry.

Brooke Elias Brooke Elias

Neurodiversity in Talent Management

Neurodivergent individuals bring unique skills and perspectives that enrich any organisation. A neuro-inclusive talent management strategy, encompassing all stages from hiring to career advancement, is essential for creating a workplace where everyone thrives.

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Mental Health Brooke Elias Mental Health Brooke Elias

Neurodiversity Smart Employer Guide

Our new free Neurodiversity Smart Employer Guide helps to answer questions about neuro-inclusivity in the workplace, and sets out our psychologists' top practical recommendations for making your organisation neuro-inclusive, based on our Neurodiversity Smart model.

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Brooke Elias Brooke Elias

Neurodiversity in Energy & Utilities

The energy and utilities sector has an important role to play in creating opportunities, unlocking talent and removing barriers facing neurodivergent employees. This will pay dividends for both individuals and the future of the energy and utilities sector.

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Mental Health Brooke Elias Mental Health Brooke Elias

Mental Health

Mental health covers various aspects of our well-being, such as our emotional, psychological, and social states, which significantly impact our thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also plays a crucial role in how we cope with stress, interact with others, and make positive decisions.

Mental health conditions can sometimes be a secondary symptom of an underlying neurodivergence.

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