Neurodiversity in Tech

Levelling Up:
Empowering Neurodiversity
in the Tech Industry

Neurodiversity is not just beneficial, but essential for tech industries to adapt and innovate.

Many neurodivergent individuals possess a range of unique skills and strengths that can help your organisation to gain a competitive advantage, including logical thinking, problem-solving, creativity and attention to detail. 

Download our guide on Neurodiversity in the Tech Industry to learn about the impact neurodivergent talent can bring to tech businesses, how empowering individuals can drive innovation, and discover how Lexxic can support your organisation on a journey to neuro-inclusion.

Take a look at our guide below 👇


Let's chat about how Lexxic can support you today! 👇

Did you know?

93% of businesses reported that there was an IT skills gap within the UK job market. By embracing neurodiversity and creating a workplace where neurodivergent individuals can thrive, your organisation can help bridge the gap and benefit from diverse insights and innovative ideas. 

Share your support on social media

We’ve created a social media support pack for you to share your support in empowering neurodiversity in the tech industry, take a look at the pack below, and feel free to download the social media cards/suggested copy! 👇

To download the assets, simply click ‘full screen’ and follow the prompts on the pages.


How can Lexxic help you?

We have a range of products and services available to support you on your journey in making your workplace neuro-inclusive:

  • Neurodiversity Smart Assessment & Accreditation

  • In-depth Audits

  • Awareness Workshops & Webinars

  • Neurotalent Unlocked - e-Learning Modules

  • Co-creating Policies, Strategies & Toolkits

  • Neurodiversity Passport

  • Apprenticeship Support

  • ...and more!

Enquire today via the form at the top of this page, to find out how Lexxic can can help you empower neurodiversity within your organisation.


Neurodiversity in Law


Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)