How can WFH affect a Neurodiverse individual and what adjustments can an employer make?

Whilst some people may have started to settle into their new daily routine, some of us will still be encountering new challenges each day or week, and may be finding it harder to settle into a new way of working. This could be especially true for neurodiverse individuals, who may face different challenges, or be finding that previously used coping strategies are no longer as effective.

One example could be for people who rely on their structure and routine, such as individuals with ADHD or an Autism Spectrum Condition. The disruption to their working day may cause additional stress, or they may find that it is harder for them to put into place a new routine and way of working. Additionally, individuals, such as those with dyslexia, may find that they can no longer access tools they use to support themselves with reading documents, for example, printing these out or using a larger monitor.

Even when working remotely, it is as important as ever that employees receive support and can access adjustments that they may need to work effectively. This includes maintaining good communication between managers and employees, and being open to addressing new challenges and concerns. For example, managers could offer additional support with organisation and structuring time to employees who are finding it difficult to adapt to a new routine. This could help individuals to understand how to effectively manage their time and ensure they can maintain high levels of productivity. With regard to reading, employees
could benefit from being given access to a printer, or an additional monitor which they can use when working at home. Other adjustments could include allowing them additional time to read lengthy documents which may be sent, or scheduling regular calls to recap information and allow time for questions, to clarify their understanding.

Lexxic can offer support to you, whether you are a neurodiverse individual, you manage an employee with a neurodiverse condition, or you want to offer more support to a colleague. We offer workplace needs assessments to recommend reasonable adjustments, awareness webinars to discuss support strategies in the workplace, and e-Learning to develop soft skills and awareness strategies in your own time. If we can help you, contact, or visit

Written by Sarah Short Assistant Psychologist at Lexxic Ltd


Zoom Fatigue and Neurodiversity


Work-Life Balance