Lexxic Celebrates 15 Years!

This weekend marks the 15th Birthday of Lexxic, and what a fantastic 15 years it has been!

Here’s a few words from our Founder, Chair of the Board, and CEO, exploring our amazing journey over the years, and just how far we have come as an organisation leading the way in neurodiversity.

Nicola James, Founder of Lexxic & Chartered Occupational Psychologist

Nicola James, Founder of Lexxic & Chartered Occupational Psychologist

I cannot believe it’s 15 years on since I started Lexxic.

I wanted to change a few lives in the field of neurodiversity, little did I realise just how many amazing people would be changing people's lives today. The amount of people who have stayed with us and supported us on this amazing journey is incredible. Seeing employees become friends, seeing how they work together with loyalty and passion, helping to support Lexxic’s mission and values. Seeing skills being passed onto them, which they then use to train other people and share their skills - this continues to the present day and is an amazing process.

I have seen Lexxic change and evolve from being just one person in London, to associates UK-wide and a full cohort of Psychologists employed all over the country. We now have dedicated Operations and Partnership teams, have gone online with our Neurotalent Unlocked e-learning strategy modules, and have recently launched our Neurodiversity Smart model. To the awards we have won, the boards we have influenced, and the amount of people championing the neurodiverse cause, it is unbelievable.

I am truly grateful to everyone who has worked at Lexxic, helped shape our path and change neurodiverse lives for the better. When I see all the full team together for the first time since Covid I will definitely pass out due to the sheer size of the company and the amount of caring hearts all in one room wanting to make a difference to a cause which is so close to my heart with my own dyslexic journey!

I am so thankful to everybody, and in particular my beautiful husband Aidan who has shared the last 6 years of this journey with me.

I would also like to share a special thanks to Jan Vickery (AXA), Alasdair Emslie (Duradiamond Healthcare), Dr Philip McCrea (BHSF), Nikki Cordell (Cordell Health), Linda Laurent-Hughes, Dr Mike Goldsmith (Medigold Health), Dr Steven Sperber and Wendy Rose (Prior owners of Nexus Occupational Health), and of course Vicki Carss!

Aidan Healy, Chair of the Lexxic Board, Former CEO

Aidan Healy, Chair of the Lexxic Board, Former CEO

Today marks Lexxic’s 15th Anniversary, and I could not be prouder of what Nicola and the team have achieved; The number of organisations and peoples’ lives we have impacted and truly made a difference to.

During the last 15 years as a neurodiversity centre of excellence, we have supported organisations in every sector and across the FTSE landscape, and I would like to thank our clients for their support, commitment, and dedication to becoming Neurodiversity Smart. Now as we expand our offering into the education sector, we can proudly say we are a one-stop consultancy and service provider in neurodiversity from education to the workplace, across all neurological differences.

2022 saw us become the official partners of Neurodiversity Celebration Week (founded by Siena Castellon), a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences. This year saw over 2,600 schools, 1.4 million students, 1,200 organisations, 200 universities and 150 charities involved, and we’re excited to continue the work of the amazing campaign in celebrating different minds.

None of what we have achieved would have been possible without our amazing Lexxic team. They have been the force that has made Lexxic into what it is today, and we are so thankful for each and every one of them and their continued support.

As we continue to grow at pace, I’m looking forward to seeing what the next phase of Lexxic brings and hope to be able to celebrate even more success and significant milestones in years to come.

Kate Goodanew, CEO of Lexxic

Kate Goodanew, CEO of Lexxic

Our mission stands as strong today as it did 15 years ago when Nicola started Lexxic. Driven by a belief that all minds belong, we continually strive to inspire a world that supports and values the talents of neurodivergent minds, empowering individuals to be their best selves. That’s why one of the best parts about working at Lexxic is hearing peoples’ stories of the impact of what we do. Empowering people. Changing lives.

As Lexxic’s new CEO, I am excited for the journey we have ahead of us. I am delighted to see so many schools, universities, and organisations all embracing the Neurodiversity journey. Making a commitment to change; to understand, educate and evolve, and support neurodivergent individuals. Nothing makes me prouder as we work in partnership together, striving to achieve a world where all minds belong.

Staff members celebrating Lexxic's 15th birthday

National Inclusion Week: Workplace Neuro-inclusivity


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