Neurodiversity Insights with Mamta Singhal


Mamta Singhal - Council Member at the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) & Amber Williams, Business Psychologist.


Amber Williams, Business Psychologist, at Lexxic, was keen to interview Mamta Singhal after leaving their final coaching session together feeling inspired by her involvement in all things positive about dyslexia.

Mamta has recently become an Ambassador for Dyslexia Scotland and she is a Design Engineer by background and been involved in Consumer Goods manufacturing for over 16 years.

Mamta was diagnosed with ‘dyslexia type traits’ at 12 and formally diagnosed at the age of 17 when she started university and in this video, she shares her thoughts on the link between dyslexia and engineering.

Click play to hear Mamta readdress the myths of dyslexia and raise awareness of #dyslexiability #dyslexiabilities 


Neurodiversity Insights: with Emma Case


Unconscious Bias