Workplace Needs Assessment in a COVID World

It is important to remember that even though your employees may be working from home, they will still be impacted by many of the difficulties they experience at work. Yes, there may be reduced noise levels which could help to improve their concentration, but there is a whole world of potential distractions at home.

Working from home can be extremely difficult for those with a a neurodiversity and who rely on a workplace structure, specific help from their Line Manager, or even access to certain software.  At Lexxic we continue to be here for you over the phone, through video conferencing and our online learning platform. We have been successfully delivering virtual Screening Assessments, Workplace Assessments, and Coaching during the lockdown.

When conducting our assessments, we not only consider the changes that COVID-19 has brought to a client but also discuss the challenges they were experiencing prior to this . This will help to ensure that when individuals go back in the workplace, they continue to have access to the same support, techniques and strategies.  For example, workplace-specific difficulties, such as increased noise levels, that may not be evident when working at home, are taken into account so the individual can be supported once they are back in the workplace.

Lexxic is a growing organisation and we have seen an increasing awareness of our services and the need for these within workplaces and organisations in helping manage an employee’s wellbeing. During this pandemic we have supported our clients with their adjustments and have been able to help organisations support their neurodiverse employees who are working from home and educating them on what that can look like.  

The BDF recently released The Great Big Workplace Adjustments Report which provides evidence of how
effective Workplace Needs Assessments are. They gathered information from both employers and employees about how the adjustments provided work and opportunities for employees with disabilities and long-term conditions.

Workplace Needs Assessments are a vital tool in identifying the support and help someone might need in the work environment and with their specific job role.  It allows Lexxic to recommend adjustments and support for individuals, even when the physical environment changes and they are not in their usual place of work. By doing this we can support not only your employees, but also your organisation as a whole.

Written by , Yvette Gibson, Psychologist at Lexxic

Testimonial from Sarah, Senior Event Manager, regarding Lexxic’s Workplace Needs Assessments.

“Very thorough and in-depth assessment. I found this document really beneficial, as well as the time I spent with the Assessor. It identified where I would benefit from different supports in place at my workplace, as well as giving the recommendations to my Line Manager. I picked up many things from this and still use them now, Arial 12 font, Aqua paper – screen covers, fidget toys, plus many more.”


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