Understanding The Importance of Workplace Needs Assessments 

It is estimated that approximately 15-20% of the adult population are neurodivergent, representing a large percentage of the workforce which organisations may not be effectively embracing and tapping into. Despite approximately 1 in 5 individuals being neurodivergent, many businesses are not making neuro-inclusion a priority, with only 22% of respondents in one 2023 Neurodiversity in the Workplace study saying that their workplace policies included a focus on neurodiversity. Not only is embracing neurodiversity the right thing to do, but organisations who fail to do so may be missing out on a wealth of benefits. Many neurodivergent individuals possess a range of skills including creative thinking, problem-solving and attention to detail to name a few.

So, how can organisations make sure that their workplaces are environments that support neurodivergent talent? 

Building a Neuro-inclusive Work Environment

For any individual joining a new business, there may be a multitude of new systems and processes introduced, with an expectation that individuals must retain and use this information to fulfil their job responsibilities and reflect the standards and values of an organisation.

Even after being in a role for an extended period, there will still be some areas of work that some employees find easier than others. Certain practices and procedures may be even more challenging for neurodivergent individuals, who without additional support, may have to use greater effort to understand issues and achieve goals, in turn prolonging tasks and affecting the productivity and overall performance of the employee.

With a Workplace Needs Assessment, employees can address these areas of challenge and discover tools and support to help them address them much faster. 

What is a Workplace Needs Assessment 

A Workplace Needs Assessment (WPA) is designed to identify and discuss challenges that an employee may be facing within their job role and highlight any adjustments that would improve their working life. Following the results of a Workplace Needs Assessment, recommendations are suggested which may include coaching, training, or assistive technology, to support the employee with more efficient and comfortable ways to complete their work tasks and improve their overall wellbeing. 

Rectangular image showing a female employee and female manager smiling and looking at something on a tablet screen.

Key Benefits of Implementing Workplace Needs Assessments 

Having adjustments in place following a WPA can support neurodivergent employees in being able to comfortably and effectively complete tasks to the best of their ability without feeling the need to hide their challenges or mask their neurodivergent traits.

Workplace Needs Assessments can also help facilitate conversations between managers and employees around adjustments that maximise the strengths of the individual, and other ways that organisations can foster neuro-inclusion in the workplace. This combination of assessment, open dialogue and tailored adjustments can have a positive impact on the following:

  • Showing employees that their skills and work are valued. 

  • Encouraging greater education around neurodiversity in the workplace. 

  • Greater employee satisfaction and psychological safety due to neurotypical employees having an increased understanding of neurodiversity and how to best support their colleagues. 

  • Transparency around work preferences and adjustments that could reduce the frequency of masking and allow neurodivergent employees to be their authentic selves at work, reducing the likelihood of burnout or mental health issues. 

  • Removing stigma around the capabilities and performance of neurodivergent individuals. 

These positive impacts are demonstrated by the personal stories of our clients, including this one from Laura:

"My diagnosis and the support I received from Lexxic has helped me transform my working. My line manager, and my team noticed the immediate benefits. It took a while for my confidence to rebuild however I was able to organise my ideas using the mind mapping software and the strategies I learnt with my coach.

I have started to work more closely with my team to create the processes needed, utilising all skillsets. My line manager asked me about my learning style, and he has been able to work with me 1:1 on the reports he needs which has massively changed our working relationship.

For me, knowing my team now understands more about dyslexia, makes me feel more comfortable to ask for support when I’m feeling out of my depth.”

To discover how Workplace Needs Assessments can support your organisation in embracing neurodiversity and giving your employees the tools and support to reach their full potential, book in a chat by clicking the button below.


This blog was written by Moya Balfour, Business Psychologist at Lexxic


Workplace Needs Assessments: The Key to Empowering Neurodivergent Talent


Starting Your Journey to a Neurodiversity Diagnosis with Lexxic