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Neuro-inclusive Talent Management: Ask the Experts

About the Event

Join us for this Q&A session as we explore how to build a neuro-inclusive approach to talent management—from development to retention, every step matters.

Supporting neurodivergent talent requires an ongoing commitment to equitable development, performance management, and career progression. By implementing the right strategies, organisations can not just unlock the full potential of their neurodivergent employees but also foster a truly inclusive culture and realise outcomes which benefit all employees.

The agenda for this event will be shaped by you! Our neurodiversity experts from Lexxic will be answering your questions, while sharing their insights on practical strategies to help your organisation develop and retain neurodivergent talent.

Here are some example questions:

  • How can organisations provide neuro-inclusive support during onboarding and beyond?

  • What strategies can help neurodivergent employees thrive in performance reviews and career development?

  • How can managers and HR teams better understand and implement workplace adjustments?

There will be the opportunity to ask questions during the session itself via the webinar Q&A function, but you can increase the chances of your question being selected by submitting in advance.

The window for submitting questions for this event will open from the 6th February. If you have registered for this event you will automatically receive an email with the link where you can submit your questions when the window is open.


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Meet our event host:

Tom Vodden
Consulting Business Psychologist

Tom Vodden is a Consulting Business Psychologist with masters level degrees in Occupational Psychology and Psychology of Education. Along with the other members of the Psychological Consulting team at Lexxic, Tom partners with employers across the UK and internationally, providing training and consultancy services to help create more neuro-inclusive workplaces.

Tom trained as a Business Psychologist following an extensive career within the Education Sector. Starting his working life as a teacher, Tom went on to become founding director of an educational software company. He has worked as a speaker, consultant and trainer across the UK and overseas with organisations in the Education and Children’s Services sectors, leading organisational change and development. Tom has significant expertise in the special educational needs of children and young people. Tom is passionate about celebrating neurodiversity and breaking down the barriers neurodivergent individuals can experience at work and draws on both his professional and lived experience to inform his practice.

Susie Phillips-Baker
Chief Psychologist at Lexxic

Susie is a Chartered Coaching and Occupational Psychologist with 20 years+ experience working in the private and public sectors in the UK and Ireland. Working for a national policing organisation, she developed selection and assessment processes, and managed a coaching programme for police officers and staff across the UK. Susie has worked as a coach on national leadership development programmes in the private and public sectors and was Course Director for an MSc in Business Psychology. Susie is currently Deputy Chief Psychologist at Lexxic, where she supports the team to deliver one-to-one support to clients who are neurodivergent and leads Lexxic’s Neurodiversity Coaching Centre of Excellence. Susie has been diagnosed as an adult with Autism/ADHD.

12 February

Skills for Life: How Neuro-inclusive Apprenticeships Can Build The Foundations For Career Success