How the Legal Industry Can Embrace Neurodiversity

Current Neuro-inclusion in the Legal Industry

It is estimated that around 15-20% of the UK population are neurodivergent. The same is true when looking specifically at the legal profession, with around 48,000 individuals believed to be neurodivergent out of 300,000 legal professionals in the UK. This is a huge talent pool that many law firms are not empowering, demonstrated by the results of a 2024 survey of law students and legal professionals conducted by Neurodiversikey.

The study found that more than three-quarters of neurodivergent lawyers have not disclosed their neurodifference to employers to avoid discrimination, indicating a lack of psychological safety and support in the workplace for neurodivergent employees.

The study also found that:

  • 47% of participants reported experiencing discrimination related to their neurodifference during their legal education and training, a figure which increased to 64% for dyslexic legal professionals.

  • Only 2% believed that legal education and training was effectively neuro-inclusive.

  • 40% had been refused or had not been provided reasonable accommodations during their legal education and training, with a similar percentage facing challenges in receiving adjustments in the workplace.

  • 74% expressed the belief that the legal industry as a whole was not neuro-inclusive.

By continuing to create barriers in empowering neurodivergent individuals to thrive, such as unsupportive work environments, law firms face a lack of disclosure from employees, outdated talent attraction and retention strategies, and increased risk of burnout among staff. Not only can this be detrimental to employees, but organisations failing to embrace neurodiversity risk missing out on individuals with a wealth of talents and new perspectives that can be essential in a world where business competition is fierce.

Rectangular photo showing a group of diverse legal professionals smiling and clapping at a person who is out of frame.

The Value of Neurodiversity and Empowering Neurodivergent Talent

Through our work at Lexxic, we are beginning to see investments from law firms in developing neuro-inclusive workplaces because of the values that neurodivergent talent can bring to organisations. According to a 2023 article in the Law Society Journal, ‘there is a growing agreement that supporting diversity in ways of thinking can benefit both lawyers and firms. They key is adopting an approach that’s affirming for all.’

Neurodivergent candidates and employees often possess a range of valuable skills that can be extremely beneficial to the legal sector, including:

  • Creativity and innovation

  • Problem solving

  • Big picture and strategic thinking

  • Verbal communication and interpersonal skills

  • Analytical thinking

  • Attention to detail

  • Ability to working well under pressure

If we look at the industry to date, we can already see strong examples of law firms working to create a more neuro-inclusive culture and tap into these talents.

In an article on recruiting and managing neurodivergent lawyers, Legal Futures Associate Jay Bhayani, said of embracing neurodiversity: “Well, can your firm afford not to embrace creative, super-focused individuals with great attention to detail and a memory to remember even the finest details? Can you afford to ignore lawyers who are unique thinkers in a very different society compared to the neurotypical legal profession decades ago?”

Similarly, the Legal Neurodiversity Network was established in 2022 to bring together law firms across the UK to help share best practice and improve neuro-inclusion in the industry. The group, which features over 75 organisations from across the UK, says it “strives to improve neurodivergent inclusion in the UK Legal Profession by identifying, sharing and encouraging good practice, and establishing connections between employers, individuals and partner organisations”.

Global law firm Herbert Smith Freehills also have a dedicated Ability Network to ensure inclusivity for neurodivergent new hires and existing staff. The firm has recently revamped their recruitment framework, implemented supportive workplace adjustments, and partnered with external experts for ongoing education and support.

Rectangular image showing two women in corporate attire talking to each other across a table.

Creating Neuro-inclusive Environments in Your Organisation

Promoting neuro-inclusivity throughout your law firm is crucial for building trust and enabling individuals to feel secure in requesting support and adjustments that can help them to showcase their talents and reach their full potential.

With over 16 years’ experience and clients around the globe, Lexxic is the neurodiversity partner of choice for many law firms, and we can support you on your journey to become neuro-inclusive. This can include:

  • Neurodiversity Diagnostics and Screening Assessments

  • Coaching

  • Neurodiversity Workshops and Webinars

  • Consultancy

  • e-Learning

  • And more!

Find out more about how we can help your organisation by downloading our dedicated guide on Empowering Neurodivergent Talent in the Legal Industry.



Starting Your Journey to a Neurodiversity Diagnosis with Lexxic 


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